Fordefence training programs consist of main topics including "Theoretical and Technical Forensic Informatics Training, S.O.M.E. Training, Data Recovery Training, Information Security Awareness Training, White Hat Hacker Training, and Network Security Training." These programs aim to elevate fundamental informatics notions to a higher level through customizable training that blends theory and technique, catering to participants from all levels and professional backgrounds.
Training Duration: 3 Days
Participant Profile :
- Information Technology Employees
- Internal Auditors
- IT Auditors
- Web Application Administrators
- Network Administrators
- System Administrators
- Cybercrime Personnel
- Students
Basic: Knowledge of basic computer usage.
Technical: Computers with at least an Intel i7 processor, SSD, and 16 GB RAM for applications.
Training Location: Fordefence Forensic Informatics Laboratory (Fordefence Adli Bilişim Laboratuvarı / ŞİŞLİ / İSTANBUL)
Training Methodology:
- Theoretical Knowledge
- Sampling
- Practical Exercises
- Case Studies
- Interactive Participation
- Participation Certificate
Training Description:
The White Hat Hacker training program aims to enable participants to think like a hacker by using the techniques and methods employed by contemporary hackers. The best way to protect a system is to think like your attacking adversary.
Security professionals who use the techniques they learn to protect systems are known as White Hat hackers. The training shows participants how to select and use the most appropriate techniques to counteract malicious individuals effectively.
In the White Hat Hacker training, the most commonly used hacker tools and vulnerabilities in today’s world are utilized in a laboratory setting. The lab environment simulates a real attack setting, aiming to help participants protect the information technology network and system infrastructure in their organizations.
By the end of this training, participants will be competent in identifying security vulnerabilities in corporate information technology systems and securing those systems to protect information technology security.
The Fordefence team:
strives to prevent such malicious individuals from taking over your computers and networks.
Training Program
Day 1
- Linux Basics
- Network Protocols
- Information Gathering Methods
- Vulnerability Scanning Procedures
Day 2
- Gaining Access (Penetration)
- Maintaining Access
- Password/Code Cracking Attacks
- Local Network Poisoning Attacks
Day 3
- Web Application Hacking Methods
- DoS/DDoS Attacks
- Social Engineering Attacks
- Wireless Network Attacks
To view other trainings offered by Fordefence click here.