Review of Digital Materials of Employees Whose Employment Contracts Have Ended

Review of Digital Materials of Employees Whose
Employment Contracts Have Ended

We conduct a detailed examination of the digital materials of terminated employees to identify potential data breaches. Protect your business’s information security.

While the importance of things in life may change, “INFORMATION” has been fundamental to humankind since the beginning of the world. Just as information is crucial for the continuation of life, it is equally important for the continuity of companies and the protection of their reputation.

Looking back 50 years in the business world, all institutions and organizations stored their information in encrypted safes, special archive sections, or places where unauthorized persons could not initially access. With the advancement of technology, information has become more accessible and can be found by anyone at any time. It has been understood through negative examples that if digital security measures are not taken as in the old methodologies, such situations lead to catastrophic events.

Digital security or physical security can be used not only to prevent a situation caused by external factors but also to prevent situations caused by internal personnel with good or bad intentions

Today, there is an increase in cases where former employees sell R&D data to rival firms, open companies with customer data, or start working at competitor firms. The digital fingerprints left in digital materials show us that corporate fraud crimes are more frequently committed with technology.

Before the digital materials used by employees are assigned to the next user and data destruction is carried out, it is essential to secure the data contained in the digital materials during the usage period of the first user and make past information, documents, and records accessible.

Thanks to this work carried out on the digital materials assigned to employees by the company during their employment, the role of the personnel in suspicious actions can be clarified, proving whether they are guilty or innocent.

As Fordefence,

we provide image acquisition services suitable for forensic science for employees whose employment contracts have ended, allowing the organization to retain findings that can be examined in the event of suspicions arising after the departure of the personnel.

When requested, image acquisition suitable for forensic science for employees whose employment contracts have ended helps clarify many issues such as white-collar crimes, fraud, unfair competition, abuse of goodwill, data theft, etc.

Identification of Digital Materials

Devices from which images will be taken for employees whose employment contracts have ended will be identified.

Indication of Company Ownership of Digital Materials

In the image acquisition service suitable for forensic science for employees whose employment contracts have ended, it must be determined and reported that the materials to be processed belong to the company. The company cannot conduct examinations on devices personally owned by the employee. 

Managing Legal Processes Before Operations

In image acquisition operations related to the service, compliance with laws such as Labor Law, KVKK, etc., must be ensured.

Filling Out a Request Form for Each Case and Digital Material

The company must fill out the “Work Request Form” document to obtain technical information about digital materials. This document will contain all the necessary technical information needed to identify the digital material’s brand, model, serial number, capacity, passwords if any on phones, IMEI number, etc.

Determining the Location for the Image Acquisition Process

The primary location for conducting the image acquisition process on digital materials should be the Fordefence Laboratory. If requested by the institution, the Forensic Science Laboratory Teams will visit the institution and provide on-site image acquisition services suitable for forensic science. 

Storage Device Needed for the Image Acquisition Process

An empty/zero storage device (Hard Disk) will be used as needed for the image acquisition process.

Detailed Examination if Requested

After the completion of the image acquisition process and the delivery of the image, if a detailed examination is requested by the company, a detailed examination with findings related to the case will be conducted in our Forensic Science Laboratory. 

Preparation of Technical Expert Opinion Report

After the detailed examination, the results of the findings will be summarized and reported to the company. If requested, a Technical Expert Opinion report can be prepared following CMK Article 67 and HMK Article 293 and can be presented to Judicial Authorities under international standards.

Additional services provided by Fordefence click here